
Monday, February 27, 2012

My ABC Book Post

Today, I have a post over at The Homeschool Classroom all about the ABC book that Sam and I are making as part of his Kindergarten.  I have included some pictures of our actual book, so you can hopefully get some ideas, but also see that the book is actually Sam's book.  While I used a scrapbook and some scrapbooking supplies, I let Sam create the items that are put into the scrapbook, and I allowed him to place the pictures and stickers wherever he would like.  You can tell!

We are drawing near to our 100th Day of School mark.  We are on day ninety-something, but we will be taking a short break from school (I plan to blog all about it soon....very soon) before we actually get to Day 100.  We have about five or six letters left to learn, and the the whole alphabet will be covered.  Wow! This year has flown by in some ways.

You can click here to read the ABC Book post.  Happy reading!

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