
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Meeting Patrick House!

Me, Patrick, and Julie

I am a Biggest Loser fan!  I never watch television unless I am running on the treadmill, and The Biggest Loser is one show that I record every single Tuesday night and run 8-9 miles on Wednesday mornings (I fast forward through the commercials) while watching it.  This show is very inspiring to me!

Last week while visiting with Jimmy's cousin Sam and his wife Emily at the restaurant the night before St. Jude, Emily told me all about Patrick's (Biggest Loser winner from last December!) weekend visit to Tupelo and Pontotoc. Emily arranged the entire weekend!  She is also race director for the Rudolph Run 5K and 10K (which Jimmy is actually running right now as I type this).  I knew that I would not be attending or running the race this morning, for two reasons--1:  I am resting from running right now, and 2:  I had to take Olivia to the ACT test this morning.  Anyway, Emily shared Patrick's schedule with me, and I realized that I could meet him when he came to Tupelo's Wellness Center yesterday.

I took Julie with me because she also watches this show while running on the treadmill.  We only got to attend the "meet and greet" event for 30 minutes, because I had to rush back home to take the children to a birthday party.  Julie and I met Patrick, and we had a few pictures made with him.  He was very nice!  Always smiling and very easy to talk to.  I wish I would have asked him all about the show!  I want to know how long the process actually is--from the time they first arrive on the ranch until the finale.  But I just made a little bit of small talk and let the next person meet him.  As Julie and I were leaving, Patrick was leading the group in a 15 minute exercise session.  I would have liked to do that!

So now I have met three celebrities!  Patrick, Pat, and Vanna!

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