
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Far This Week

Our VBS began yesterday.  Since I was gone to the beach all last week (what a wonderful, relaxing vacation that was!), and I had not gotten all of my planning and preparation done before I left, I spent all afternoon Sunday between worship services and until almost midnight that night getting everything ready.  Then I got up at 5:00 AM yesterday to finish everything up.

The first day of VBS was a huge success!  I have twelve 5-7 year olds, and Olivia and Julie are my helpers.  We studied about Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal and their contest to see whose god would light their altar with fire.  I had them put 450 dot stickers on 3 pieces of poster board to demonstrate how many Baal prophets there were to Elijah, all by himself.

Late yesterday afternoon, my neighbor brought me an 8 pound bag of freshly shelled peas.  So I proceeded to put those up, and I now have 30 cups of peas in my freezer!  I froze them in quart bags in 3 or 4 cup portions.  It made 8 bags in all.

I am moving right along with my B90.  In fact, I got about a day and half ahead while at the beach, so I will be glad for that when school starts.

Still no school planning, but I do have hope!  I do have next week!  We begin August 3.  As soon as I start working on school, I will blog as I go.

Exercise update:  My mileage dropped off the last two weeks.  In fact, last week I only got 20 miles in.  But I did do a brutal CrossFit workout with our group Sunday night, and I also did one this morning.  My running mileage goal for this week is 26.  Beginning August 1, I have to do 30 miles a week in order to prepare for marathon training, which will begin the first week of September.  I am nervous!

The rest of this week includes VBS, laundry, ironing, maybe some school planning/schoolroom cleanout, and hopefully blogging---I still have posts I want to write about July 4th, my new nephew, Julie's birthday, and our vacation.

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