
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Homeschool Planning Part 1

I began my 2011-2012 planning session last Friday.  I started with Sam's plans, and I am working my way up to the oldest child.  I am taking pictures along the way, so when I get a chance, I will share details of my planning sessions.  I have completed Sam's and Leah's plans, and I am halfway through Clay's plans.  The two older girls will take me a little bit longer than the others, because I am somewhat making my own home economics course for them.  I also plan to blog about that when I finish it.

Today will be another planning day, and I hope that by tomorrow afternoon or Thursday at the latest, I will be through with the year's planning.  Then I plan to give my school room a deep cleaning.

If I have time before school resumes August 3, I would like to give my house one more good cleaning too.

I better get to work!


  1. That is a LOT of work in a short amount of time!

  2. I am planning and cleaning out my schoolroom as well! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Planning school for 5 is no easy task, but it has to be done :). Now, if I could just get last year's work organized and put away, then I could tackle the coming year!!
