
Monday, July 11, 2011

B90 Begins Today!


Today is the day to begin reading the Bible all the way through in just 90 days!  It is possible.  I know, because I read the Bible in 90 days beginning last January 1. 

It takes me about 45 minutes to 1 hour each day to complete that day's reading.  I read all of the reading or as much as I can first thing in the morning.  If I have any reading left, I carry my iPad around with me all day, taking advantage of any spare moment to read.  I have found that saving the reading, unless it is just a chapter or two, until bedtime does not work for me.  I get too sleepy! Unless I am doing a long run and must leave my house by 5:30 AM, I usually just set my alarm at 5:00 AM, and that gives me plenty of time to read before I need to do other things.  I also like reading first thing in the morning, because that way the Scripture stays on my mind all day.  That is something interesting that I discovered the last time I did this.  I had God's Word on my mind a lot.  What a wonderful thing to have occupying my thoughts.  I think it is because my brain had to process such a lengthy reading each day that the Scripture seemed to stay with me all day.

The last time I did B90, I read the English Standard Version (ESV).  This time I am reading The New American Standard Bible (NASB).  I have both versions of the Bible downloaded onto my iPad, so I do not have to have an active wifi connection in order to read.  I searched and searched the Bible apps until I found one that not only had a downloadable version, but also had a highlighting feature. I like to highlight as I read, and I did not want to have to depend on having wifi in order to read.

I also have the You Version, The Bible App, on both my iPhone and iPad.  This free app contains numerous versions of the Bible, some of which can be downloaded.  It also has a feature where the Bible can be read to you, but this requires an active wifi connection.  

The You Version does not have a highlighting feature, so that is why I chose not to use this app for my daily reading.  However, You Version is the only one that I could find that included ESV and NASB and had the B90 reading plan.  Browse reading plans, and you can choose Bible in 90 Days.  You can keep track of your reading here two different ways.  You can complete your reading using one of the versions that You Version offers, with an active wifi connection, and as you swipe or scroll to the next chapter, the app automatically checks off each chapter you just read.  Or you can manually check off each chapter in that day's reading assignment list.  Since I don't always have access to wifi while I am reading, and also since I like to read using an app that allows highlighting, I usually check the You Version for the day's reading assignment, then go to my other app to actually do the reading, and then go back to You Version to check off the chapters.  It really is not as complicated as it sounds!  I am using Bible + app this time for my NASB reading.  You can also check off your chapters read on the iPhone, or of course you can read the Bible on the iPhone, if you can read on that tiny screen!

Are you in?  Would you like to join this reading challenge with me?
You can visit Mom's Toolbox for more information on the B90 challenge, and you can read about the various forms of support available.


  1. Would you mind sharing which apps you have downloaded? Thanks.

  2. You (a brown Bible icon)

    Just1Word, Inc.--NASB Bible + (an orange icon with the number 1 in the middle)

    Crossway--ESV Bible (light brown icon with a fancy monogram of esv in the middle)

  3. Are you sure you can't highlight? It seems like I'm always accidentally highlighting something.

    I'm in Mark and will finish the B90 by the end of July and start again Sep 1. There really is no better use of our time!


  4. On mine, when I touch a passage, it highlights in yellow, but then a menu pops up for you to choose what you want to do with the highlighted passage.....just leaving it highlighted is not an option. When you close the menu, the highlight goes away.

    Is yours different?

  5. Thank you!! I had the you version but you had me curious about the others.

  6. I am doing this too! I am so excited! I was SO glad to check my box off yesterday, God is so faithful. YAY. Sunshine

  7. I started the B90 in May but have had to "catch me up" a couple of times when I got behind. I'm just excited that I'm doing regular Bible reading that I'm not worried if I don't finish in 90 days. I like reading large portions at a time. It helps to understand it better. Thanks for the inspiration!
