
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back to School One Last Time

Jimmy has been off for a couple of days, but today he went back to work and so are we!  We have eight more days of school for this official school year.  We are going to work very, very hard and and finish up our 2010-2011 school year on June 24.  That will give me about 5 weeks to clean out and prepare for the upcoming school year, which will begin on August 1st.  Also during those five weeks we have a week of Rustic Youth Camp, Vacation Bible School, running camp, and our family beach vacation.  I will squeeze in school planning when I can!

Although we will finish all of our grammar, writing, science, and math on June 24, I will still be reading aloud to the children all summer.  We will be finishing The Hobbit, Heidi, and two other Sonlight books for Leah.  I also plan to drill addition and subtraction flashcards with Leah a few days each week.

I want a blog makeover!

Do you have any suggestions?  I am not too computer savvy, but I have been able to successfully install LeeLou backgrounds in the past, but it really takes a long time.  I prefer low cost or free!  I enjoy reading a blog that is visually appealing (pretty!).  So, if you have any words of wisdom, please share!


  1. What in the world is a running camp? I've never heard of that before. We like to run as well, but I only just got back into it. I used for my blog. Love her. She does a lot of mission work and her prices seemed reasonable to me. Her money goes to specific Causes each month.

  2. I'm pretty sure I gave you the wrong address for Nikki. I believe it's

  3. Roan, I feel so much better after reading that you have not started planning for next year either! I have things planned out to a degree, in my head...but nothing on paper...and I have purchased NOTHING yet! Aagh!

    I used Deluxe Designs for my blog makeover a few months ago, and was very happy. Her prices are reasonable, and she was very easy to work with. There is a link to her site at the bottom center of my blog if you want to check it out!

  4. Hey Roan,

    I'm using the Youversion app for 90 day Bible. It has over 40 Bible translations and lots of Bible reading plans including the 90 day Bible reading plan. You just select your plan and translation and it does the rest. As you read it automatically checks off the chapters for you. Pretty cool.

    I'll email you about Insanity.


  5. Roan,
    Have you looked at "The Cutest Blog on the Block" backgrounds before? They are free and sort of the same style as Leelou's.
    I got your comment on my blog about camp and yes I will be praying for you! I know how much energy goes into that!
    Have a great weekend!
