
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Hints

Well, in less than an hour, it will be December! What a busy month!

Here are a few reminders for the first week in December:
  • Christmas cards
  • Decorate
  • Finish up online shopping.
  • Check your gift list and make note of what you need to buy.
  • Wrap 3 gifts a day.
  • Look at your December calendar and obligations. Choose which dates you are hosting parties or family gatherings. Note which dates you will be attending parties or family gatherings. List your children's activities as well.
  • Send out invitations for any parties you are hosting.
  • Secure babysitters if needed.
  • Plan what baked goods/candy/treats you will be cooking this month and make a grocery list for the ingredients. Look at your calendar and choose two or three "cooking days".
  • Plan your menu for holiday meals and parties. Begin a grocery list for these occasions too. Shop for non-perishables as the items go on sale.
  • Finalize craft plans. Buy the necessary supplies and choose a couple of "craft days".
Finally, remember to enjoy this holiday season. Create pleasant memories for your family, and enjoy some time in the kitchen baking with your children. If you begin each day with quiet Bible study and prayer, you can start your day with thankfulness for all of your blessings. Don't let yourself get stressed by the busyness of the month or the length of your "to-do" list. Remember that we are to do all of our work as unto the Lord. Show lots of love to your husband and children and hug and kiss all of them often!


  1. Thanks for the reminders but thanks more for the reminder of keeping the right perspective during our busy preparations and celebrating. Merry Christmas!

  2. Now I'm officially stressed out : ). Email me your address so I can send you a Christmas card. I'm really happy with them this year.

