
Monday, October 4, 2010

Menu Monday

As I was planning my weekly menu a few days ago, I asked the children what they would like for supper this upcoming week. Leah said, "Please, nothing in the the crock pot!" Soup and stews are just not her favorite! I explained to her that with running practice three days a week, crock pot meals are just the best I can do right now.

So here's the menu:

Red Beans and Rice (crock pot)
Bean Burritos (crock pot)--prepared by Julie
Chicken a la King--prepared by Julie
Pasta Salad, green salad
Italian roast (crock pot), homemade macaroni and cheese, black eyed peas

Red Beans and Rice
1 lb. dried red pinto beans
link sausage, cut into bite sized pieces
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
4 cups or more water
6 oz. can tomato paste
8 oz. can tomato sauce
4 garlic cloves, minced

Soak beans overnight in water. The next morning, add all ingredients to crock pot and cook on high one hour and then low the rest of the day. You may need to add more water as the day goes on.
Serve over cooked brown rice.

Please visit for more delicious menus.


  1. Your menu for the week looks great. We are planning a Texas Star Chili Cook Off here at The Cottage.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. I'm having trouble even getting inspired for crockpot cooking these days. My poor kids are tired of eating out of the freezer. I hope I don't go through all our meals before the baby's born! Nesting is over and exhaustion has set in.

  3. ok- can i have the burritos in the crockpot recipe?!! :)

  4. Wow, looks fantastic! We're doing a lot of crocking these days at our house. Try to have a hot cereal for the morning and some bean dish several times a week. Thanks for the great recipe.

    Kama @

  5. The crockpot is my friend! Happy to have come accross your blog...we homeschool too! Now your newest follower!
