
Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Tupelo 14.2 Miler

Woo! Hoo! I did the race this morning! 14.2 miles!

Jimmy and I got up at 3:40 AM this morning to get ready for the race. I actually woke up around 2:40, and I really didn't sleep much more until my alarm went off. We drank coffee to wake up and left about 4:10. The race began at 5:00 AM. Yes, it is still dark at 5:00 in the morning, so most of the runners were wearing headlights, glow sticks, blinking clip-on lights, blinking light bracelets (that's what my friends and I wore), or they carried flashlights.

I was sick Friday and most of yesterday, running fever and experiencing muscle soreness and overall fatigue. I was very concerned about my ability to run the race, but last night around suppertime I began to feel better. Either the virus had run its course, or my body was shocked into health by Kelly and Lynn's super pasta buffet! Kelly prepared three different kinds of pasta for his family and ours and also our friends Scott and Barbara. Jimmy, Kelly, Lynn, and Scott all ran the race this morning too. This was the first time for Kelly, Lynn, and Scott to run this distance, and it was only my 3rd time. The pasta buffet closed at 8:00 sharp, and we all went home to prepare for our early morning.

I had a few other friends running this morning too--Dorothy, Esther, Yonea and Heather. Yonea has been sick this week too, but she still ran an awesome race! Dorothy finished several minutes ahead of me, and Esther, that girl is FAST, she ran the race with Jimmy, and they finished in 1 hr. 48 minutes! Lynn and Kelly both ran well, and thankfully, Heather ran the first 8 miles with me. I thoroughly enjoyed her company, and we chatted as the miles just flew by. Then she was ready to go a little faster. Heather took off like a bullet, and after about 5 minutes I lost sight of her. She went on to finish about 8 minutes ahead of me!

As I approached the last half mile or so, I spotted Jimmy. He was walking back to find me. I was so happy to see him, because I was dying! He encouraged me the rest of the way, and I finished 4 minutes faster than last year! 2 hr. 11 min. I was so glad to be through, and very happy with my time! During the last mile of the race I told myself, and Jimmy too, that I would never run another half-marathon. But he was right, and about 5 minutes after the race ended, I changed my mind.

Next half-marathon: October 30th.


  1. You are somewhat "crazy" to be considering another one in October, but you are also inspiring. Great race and hope you get some rest. Yonea also struggled near the end and Amber helped her finish strong. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

  2. You are inspiring to me! I haven't even run a 5K yet, but I am hoping to soon!
