
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My July List

Well, June has just flown by! Between two week long camps, Vacation Bible School, and our family vacation, I have accomplished about zero on my Summer List! I have got to get busy in July, or I will not be ready to start school on August 8th. The children have one last running camp the first week in August, so that does give me a little extra time to prepare for school.

Here is the minimum I hope to complete in July:

1. Completely prepare for the upcoming school year (big, big to-do item)

2. Visit my parents for a few days

3. Can tomatoes (never done this before, but my friend down the road is going to teach me)

4. Read Matthew 1-10 thirty times (I am trying the inductive Bible study method)

5. Visit an elderly couple that lives about 2 miles from us at least two times

6. Clean off the train table in the boys' room

7. Clean out Julie's closet and drawers (taking out all clothes that no longer fit)

8. Clean out Olivia's closet and drawers (same as in Julie's)

9. Clean out the secret room (another big, big to-do item--this is an unfinished area off of Olivia's closet in her room. It has become a catch-all for all sorts of toys, stuffed animals, unplayed with toys, all kinds of craft projects, etc. I may even take pictures of the before and after. It will be scary!)

10. Clean out and decorate Olivia's and Julie's classrooms at our church building.

11. Help my sister in law pack up her house and move to a new town.

Wow! What a list. I sure hope that July will prove to be more productive for me than June. June has been a ton of fun, but now I am going to have to work extra hard in July.


  1. You forgot "Help pack my favorite sister-in-law's house for her move." ha! Just kidding! You sound busy as ever. :-)

  2. Did Kaelan's closet and drawers yesterday. Oh, my!! She is a packrat like her dad! Going to visit my parents this weekend. Will need to can tomatoes next week. The school plans are a GIANT wall in front of me that I don't know when I will to!

  3. I'm working on getting ready for the school year and going through closets, too. We'll be here all month so I should get a lot done. I can't wait to see how your canning of tomatoes goes. Our tomatoes arent' doing well this year. We've been enjoying beets and zucchini, though.
