
Friday, April 9, 2010

The Yard Work

The week before last was our Spring Break. Jimmy always takes off the last week in March, and we usually take a short trip and then do our annual spring yard work. Before and after our trip to Nashville, we spent most of our time outside. Jimmy hauled three or four (I can't remember) dump truck loads of mulch, and after trimming all of our bushes and monkey grass, we put all of that mulch in our flower beds, around the kids' playground, and in various other places. The girls took a short break from shoveling mulch to clean our back porch. We washed the windows, knocked down spider webs, and I bleached all of our outside and pool toys and goggles. The porch looked so nice for a few it is covered in a thick layer of pollen!

Jimmy helped Olivia and Julie put in a small garden during this week too. They each have one side of the garden, and I hope it yields the perfect amount.....just enough to eat each day, no more, no less. I am not ready to can vegetables for the winter. Maybe next year!

Here are some highlights from all of our hard work.

Julie and Leah cleaning the grill

Olivia washing windows

Clay shoveling mulch into the wheelbarrow....Sam playing in the dump truck.
As you can imagine, Sam was absolutely black from head to toe each day we put out mulch!

playing in the empty dump truck

Olivia tilling up the garden

Sam working hard with his shovel

working hard preparing the garden

Julie's turn with the tiller

Everybody helping put out the plants


  1. We have just let Josh on the lawnmower this year. Great work on the tilling for the garden. Looks like everyone was having fun with the yard work.

  2. I'm just sayin' that y'all are wcome to come do our yardwork!! Ha!

  3. Los Dos Niños Que Se Encueren Y Tu Pilin Y Tu Culo
