
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Encouraging Books For Mothers

Before I recommend a few books, I want to make a disclaimer. The only perfect book is the Bible, the Word of God. All other books are written by men, and men are imperfect. So when I recommend a book, please know that I compare all that I read with the Scriptures, and if I find an error in the book, I just ignore that teaching. In most books that I recommend, I find about 90% useful, and the rest I just disregard. Please use your own good judgement. This disclaimer applies to all of the books listed in my sidebar, as well as any books that I write about on this blog.

Anyway, today I want to share one of my favorite authors, and a few of her books. Teri Maxwell is a homeschooling mother of eight children, and her writings are so honest. Many times when I read something she has written, I will think to myself, "That is just what I think!" She and her family have a website,, where they sell all of their books and offer a variety of resources. The three books I want to share about today are Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit, Just Around the Corner Vol. 1, and Just Around the Corner Vol. 2. All three of these books address homeschooling, homemaking, and relationships with our husbands and children. Even if you are not a homeschooler, you could still glean much wisdom from Teri's writings. I read, and reread these three books over and over again.

I also recommend all of Teri's other books which teach about scheduling, planning and organizing your school, and chores. They are called Managers of Their Homes, Managers of Their Schools, and Managers of Their Chores.


  1. I love their books. As you said, I don't agree with 100% of everything they do, for instance we have a local Christian camp that we send our oldest daughter to in the summer and she loves it and we feel good about it that it's not compromising our values or our relationship with her. I think the most profound thing I learned from Teri Maxwell has to do with my expectations of my kids. I can't remember the exact quote but something like have high standards, but low expectations. This has helped me tremendously in delegating chores to the kids that they don't do very well, but they are doing them. Hopefully, they'll improve:) Same goes with school work.

    I'm right there with you in the "producing" category:) I'm trying to change, but it doesn't come easy. Our journey has been comical to say the least, but we're enjoying it.

  2. Thank you for the suggestion. I just love the Maxwell's books. I have two of them and have considered purchasing Home Schooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit for sometime now. I think I will definately be ordering it soon. But, for now my husband just told me that he ordered a book for me this morning, A Manuel of Home Making by Helen Canon. The more that I can learn about homemaking the better. I love reading about this and learning all about this too.

  3. Thank you Roan for your encouragement. It's embarrassing to admit that I don't have a clue what I'm doing! I didn't grow up around a lot of little ones though, so now I find myself having a very hard time knowing what to do. I certainly look up to more experienced mothers like yourself.

    I'm glad that you recommended Raising Godly Tomatoes because I went ahead and ordered it last night. I am familiar with the website and have been scouring it the past few days. I think I will wait till I finish that book before ordering To Train Up a Child. Now I need to go check out the Maxwell's books as well! Thank you for your advice!

  4. Teri Maxwell's books have encouraged and challenged me as well. I am about to reread Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit. Also, our daughters enjoy the Moody family series of fiction books written by the Maxwell's daughter Sarah. They are sweet stories with the daily life of a homeschooling family that loves each other and loves Jesus.
