
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Scrapbooking Supplies Swap

Saturday, I decided to swap my scrapbooking supplies and "not currently being used" school supplies (books, workbooks, the children's finished notebooks). I have a nice set of cabinets with a countertop on one end of my schoolroom. That is where I stored the unused school stuff. In our adjoining storage room, I kept my scrapbooking supplies, neatly organized in an old entertainment center. But the storage room is just that, a storage room! And no matter how often I clean it and reorganize it, it still looks like a storage room, and I did not like getting my scrapbooking stuff out in there. Over the last couple of years the storage room has become home to three cats, so I couldn't leave any scrapbook work out on the table overnight--unless I wanted it shredded by the cats! So, I made the switch!
The schoolroom cabinets needed a little bit of cleaning out, so I tackled that while I was moving things around. I also have a tall freestanding cabinet that I use for paper and various school supplies like notebooks, pencils, markers, scissors, etc., and I have an additional closet where I store more supplies on the upper shelves, and the Little People toys on the bottom. I cleaned out all of these places and moved things around.

the schoolroom cabinets, before--notice all of the stuff that had been piled up

This is what most of the upper schoolroom cabinets looked like--school books

another before picture of the cabinets

Stuff had gotten pretty out of hand in this schoolroom cabinet!

An up close view of the messy counter

This is where I previously stored my scrapbooking supplies--in the storage room.

Now for some AFTER pictures!

A nice, clean countertop, ready to be scrapbooked on!

A cabinet storing all of my smaller scrapbooking albums

A cabinet storing various scrapbooking supplies

boxes of photos and supplies

the rest of my photos--they are organized and labeled by year

the freestanding cabinet--upper part

the freestanding cabinet--lower part

the top part of the other closet. I am storing my larger scrapbooking albums here plus my larger boxes of photos and scrapbooking papers

the Little People storage area

I was so happy to have this switch made! I put all of the school stuff that was in the cabinets in the entertainment center in the storage room. Since the two rooms are connected (by a door that I can close!), I have easy access to my school stuff when I need it, but I can use the clean schoolroom to actually work!
I am very pleased with the results!
Maybe I will work on my scrapbooks soon!


  1. Awesome job! I love that you have all those cabinets. That is one thing I want to have when we finally build our house is cabinets and closets. We have very little storage where we are living now.

  2. LOVE all that storage space!! Great job!! Now - can you come do mine? ;-)

    ~ Jennifer

  3. Looks awesome!

    Thanks for your kind words of encouragement on my blog. I didn't realize what I was starting on my facebook. I guess I'm too outspoken. I really ticked off a guy I went to school with and he even charged that creationism is a tool of Satan, yata yata yata. So, that's been a drag, going back and forth with him. Anyway, it made me feel a lot better that some people get it and appreciate it. Thanks.

  4. It looks beautiful!! I am loving your storage space. Like Julie, that is one thing on my wish list when we build!

  5. Ok...sooo jealous of all of that cabinet space!!! :)
