
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Past Couple of Days

have been both ordinary and busy......

Jimmy was off Monday. We spent a couple of hours cleaning house, and then I began the slow, tedious process of copying and pasting my 2009 blog posts into a word document, so I can have it published into a book. Yes, I did blog last year about keeping up with this task on a daily basis, so it wouldn't be so overwhelming...well, I must admit that I failed to take my own advice! I am very, very behind! In fact, I am just starting over, because I decided to copy and save the posts on my laptop so Megan can help me with the uploading.

Yesterday while the older three children were at piano lessons, Leah, Sam, and I sat in the car waiting for them----it was just too cold and rainy to run errands. To waste some time, I went to the Starbucks drive-thru and tried a new drink: Cinnamon Dolche Latte. Delicious! I am normally a mocha coffee person, but this cinnamon drink was fabulous! I tried the frappachinno version last week, and it was equally yummy! (I have no idea how to spell frappachinno.)

Also yesterday, one of my children excitedly reported that it was hailing outside! Actually it was sleeting! You can tell that we don't get much winter precipitation around here.

Last night was our monthly Keepers at Home meeting. Olivia and Julie joined the other older girls for a Bible study and then visiting and working on various craft projects. Both and Olivia and Julie crocheted. Leah's group had a lesson about baking bread from scratch. They made some little rolls, and they were delicious! They also learned about all kinds of healthy items that can be ground and added to homemade bread.

Today we had a productive school day followed by more house cleaning, running, and a visit from new friend (that I met through blogging!). She is planning to homeschool next fall, and she wanted to come over and look at all of my school stuff. We had a nice visit, and I hope that I helped her to make some decisions about curriculum. Julie made and served us brownies!

After she left, I finished my laundry for the day (three loads), and did some more house cleaning! We had supper (crock-pot lasagna), cleaned the kitchen one last time, and then our whole family gathered in the den to watch American Idol. I diligently worked on copying and pasting my blog posts while watching. I think I am finding some favorite contestants, but I can't remember any of their names yet.

Right now Julie, Clay, and Leah are playing Uno, Olivia is crocheting, Jimmy is playing Scrabble with all of my friends on my phone (they can always tell when he is playing instead of me---better quality words!), and Sam is climbing all over everyone and all over the furniture!

It's time for me to get everyone ready for bed!


  1. Roan ~

    I have considered printing out all my posts and compiling into a best thing to scrapbooking and will serve as a journal for our family in the years to come, as well. I was contimplating (heavily leaning toward) book binding them (Binding Books Beautifully method) as we have done with our homeschool portfolios many a year and special book projects. Curious how you plan to do yours...

    It's a blessing to read your blog and glean from you through them.

    Blessings ~


  2. 2 thoughts...

    First, how do you play scrabble with your friends on your iphone? My husband likes playing scrabble, but never can find any takers around here. He would probably LOVE to play with people on his phone!

    Second, I would love for you to do an instructional post about how you are going to have a blog book printed! (And maybe show how the cover and pages end up looking!) I had sooo intended to have one printed in Jan., but the software/website that I had planned to use,, turned out to be a little more involved than I had expected. I haven't devoted the time necessary to get it all laid out correctly, and hate to see the days continue to tick by! :0

    I would love to find out that there is an easier way! :)

  3. Roan,

    I was thrilled to see a comment from you on my blog!!!! I wasn't sure if you remembered me! It has been a while! I would love to talk to you when you have time. I know you are super busy!!! We are really praying about homeschooling, and I'd like to be your apprentice!!! :-) If it isn't too much trouble, will you email me. I couldn't find an email address for you. If you click on my name, you will see mine. Thanks!!!


  4. I remember that post last year about making the book from your blog! Hope you post pictures of the new one again!

  5. I just saw an advertisement the other day about making books from your blog postings...I make photo books all the time and think blog book idea is incredible. I, too, wish you would blog more about the process...sounds like you've already done it once?
