
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

School Checklists

At the beginning of each school semester, I type a daily work checklist for each child. I tried to copy and paste one of the checklists from Microsoft Office, but the lines that make it look like a table did not transfer. On the actual checklist there is a box under each day of the week for each subject. On the days that Jimmy is off I type the word off in the box at the top. They know that this means no school assignments for that day. On this particular week, Jimmy was not actually off Monday and Tuesday, we just will not resume school after our Christmas break until today. As the child completes each subject, he checks off that box. For most subjects like math and grammar, they just do the next page or lesson. For subjects that have more detailed daily instructions, they follow a list in that subject's section in their for writing, it will detail each day's assignment. The checklist listed below is located in the front of their notebooks. I can usually fit 3-4 weeks on one page.

I like to look at other mother's lists and schedules--that is how I get my ideas! I hope my ideas and descriptions of how I do things at my house helps you!

Jan. 4-8 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
Creative Writing Off Off
Easy Grammar
Daily Grams
Wordly Wise
Spanish (2 days)


  1. I loved hearing about your schedule. I posted a question for you on my blog!

  2. I love learning how other homeschool families do things! I have gotten lots of tips from your blog.

    What is BTS? I have never heard of it.

    My daughter Caylie has decided to run a half marathon with one of her friends in early March! Any pointers? She found an eight week training schedule online, and thought that she would follow it to prepare.

  3. Oh, forgot to your writing program IEW this year? I have friends that swear by it! I was going to use it, but at the last minute, I decided to go with "Jump In" by Apologia (another friend suggested that it might be more fun for Christian). I have not really been very happy with it, and think that I will change next year. (I actually considered changing at semester, didn't.)

  4. I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your blog as I start our homeschool journey. I was wondering if you had any advice for new homechoolers? I'm a bit overwhelmed....
    Thanks so much!

  5. If you are pleased with your Spanish program, I would love for you to post about it. We are doing Latin next year also, but then we will switch to Spanish.
