
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Simmons Family Christmas

This year we gathered with my family at my brother's house who lives just minutes away from me. It was nice to not have to travel very far! My two brothers and I take turns hosting our family's Christmas party each year. We gather the Saturday before Christmas, which leaves us free to stay home and celebrate with our immediate families on Christmas Day. We all bring food for a noon meal, and then we exchange gifts and visit for the afternoon.

Causey and Clay playing with a new Lego set

My brother Rhett with his son, Davis

Me and my Mother

Olivia and Julie--Julie was very happy to receive the David Archuletta Christmas CD.

My daddy proudly displaying one of his Alabama-themed gifts

Wesley opening a gift

Bounds and Sam (they are just 2 weeks apart in age) waiting to open presents!

My cousin Christine, Me, and my brother Ryan (we were at his house)

My brother Rhett and Me

My grandmothers--Meme, and Momo

Causey and Bounds have a fabulous play area, complete with a zip line. Even though it was freezing cold, the children enjoyed playing outside.

Clay getting ready to zip down the zip line!

There goes Leah!

Sam, waiting for his turn
Leah, ready to go again...this time with her coat on!

It is always a lot of fun to visit with my brothers and their families. Only one of my brothers and I live near each other, so the times we all get together with my parents and grandmothers are not that frequent. Next year, we will be gathering at my house!

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