
Friday, December 18, 2009

How Did You Get That Tree Up There?

Each December our visitors usually ask us that question......
We have a dormer window at the top of our foyer where the ceiling is 19 feet. Jimmy thought it would be neat to put a Christmas tree up there, and thankfully, our builder knew that we would want to put something up there some day, so he installed an outlet.

Jimmy uses an extremely tall ladder to climb to the window. This year he allowed Olivia to join him in decorating the tree. We use a remote control to turn the lights on and off.

Julie climbed to the top of the ladder, but she did not climb into the window area...I was afraid just taking pictures of it all!

This ladder is stored in our garage down in the basement, but it is so tall that it cannot be carried up the stairs into the house. Jimmy has to carry it around to the front of the house and bring it in the front door (directly below this dormer window).

Another picture of brave Julie

I was hoping Jimmy wouldn't fall....or jump down.

The finished product!

Olivia is sporting the tree skirt! She did put it around the tree before climbing down.

We have had this pattern of taking down this tree every other year. Really! The first Christmas we celebrated in our new home (5 years ago), Jimmy put up this tree....and he never took it down.....until after Christmas the next year. Then that 3rd Christmas he put it up, and didn't take it down until after the 4th Christmas. This is our 5th Christmas here, and I don't know if he plans to leave it up until next year or not!

It certainly is a conversation piece!


  1. Wow! What a neat little window area - and I can imagine it is a huge conversation starter! Your home is so beautiful, I love the moulding.

  2. Don't you just hate cleaning up there? We have some transom windows that are such a pain, but I love the light they let in.

  3. I've seen it up there in the summer, but didn't want to ask! Ha! Looks great!

  4. What a great idea!!! And even better that there is an outlet up there! I don't think I could ever get up there! Brave daughter and brave husband! Must look beautiful from the street!
