
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some School Thoughts

Yesterday Olivia was having trouble with some of her Algebra I problems, and Julie didn't understand her science material covering 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree levers and wheels and axles.....I tried to work the math problems that Olivia had worked incorrectly, and I got the wrong answer too! Then I read Julie's science material and had no idea how to answer the questions. I had a moment of feeling overwhelmed. Tears filled my eyes as I asked myself what in the world did I think I was doing? I cannot educate these children! I said a quick prayer for wisdom, took a deep breath, and the moment of panic soon passed. I reminded myself that their education is more than equations and simple machines. While I do want them to excel academically, and I am preparing them for college, the big picture is their spiritual and character training, homemaking and creative skills, hard work, and their service to others. I also reminded myself of the reason I purchased the science and math curriculum that I did---Teaching Textbooks math comes with CDs of every single problem worked! Apologia Science is written to the student, and it also includes CDs for further explanation. Thankfully, Jimmy is a super resource for both science and math questions! Olivia and I used the math CD to watch the computer man work the problems she had missed. Jimmy helped Julie with her science this morning. I don't have to know it all or even have all the answers! I can utilize the many resources that are provided, and together we can figure it out!


  1. Oh Roan, what was it with yesterday??? And all I'm doing is trying to teach my child to read!!! I can't even imagine Algebra and Science!!!! Satan must have been after the homeschool moms is all I can say. He could sound out the parts "th" and say "at" but couldn't put them together to make "that", instead would could up with "went or with" All I could do was put my head down and think, "what in the world am I doing??? he'll never read!" and then, just as you did, cry out for some help (from the Lord) and make sure he knew how much I loved him! (Carson)
    Thanks for sharing this, some days are just overwhelming and hearing this from an experienced homeschool mom makes me feel so not alone :):) praying for you and your children!

  2. Okay. I love algebra, but have absolutely NO IDEA what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree levers are...and I made it through college with flying colors! :) Love!

  3. Hi Roan!! You know what? I just love how real you are gal! I think these type of situations happen to all of us who endeavor to educate our children, and when it has happened to me, I do the same thing you did...PRAY!!

    Glad you got it worked out! Wouldn't the enemy just love it if he got us all to throw in the towel?

    Can't get over how totally organized you are. I think I am somewhat organized, but I aspire to have a binder and plan things months ahead of time!! Keep helping us all with your tips!!

    Have a joyful Sunday!!
