
Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Muddy Race!

Olivia's shoes after the race

This morning the Spartans participated in their first cross country meet of the season. A big Thank You to Saltillo High School for allowing us to run in their meet. We appreciate them and the other local public schools that allow our homeschool cross country team to compete.

Cross country meets are so much fun! Even in pouring rain! It has rained here for the last 7 days, and today was no exception. I am not talking about a light drizzle, but a downpour! The cross country trail quickly became a mud pit! The runners were crawling up the big hill on their hands and knees. They were caked in mud from head to toe, especially the runners who slipped and fell!

Today's meet consisted of 6 races: JV boys (2 miles), JV girls (2 miles), Varsity 1A-3A girls (2.5 miles), Varsity 4A-6A girls (2.5 miles), Varsity 1A-3A boys (3.1 miles), and Varsity 4A-6A boys (3.1 miles). The Spartans ran in both JV races and both 1A-3A races. The top 20 finishers in the JV races received T-shirts, and the top 15 in the Varsity races received T-shirts. 5 Spartans won T-shirts! Olivia and Julie both earned T-shirts....Olivia was 10th and Julie was 2nd in the Varsity Girls race.

Some of the Spartan girls before the race----when they were still clean!

Nervous varsity girls right before their race started

Varsity girls after the race!

Mud! Mud! Mud!

Leah and Sam enjoying a sno-cone

Leah and Julie

Clay and his friends....these young men are not old enough to run in the cross county meets....but somehow they still managed to get muddy!

Varsity boys waiting for the awards

Mims and Pops
I am so glad that my parents came today! Jimmy had to work, and there is no way I could have managed the tent, the chairs, the cooler, the shoes, the younger children and the mud if they had not come!!

More of the Spartan Family
Lexie, Erica, Liesa, Kathy, David, and Josh


  1. Looks like a fun day! Tell your mom I like her hair too. I haven't seen her since she's grown it out. Great job Johnsons!

  2. I had so much fun running here and there cheering people on! And the mud part, loved it!
    It was nice seeing y'all again today!

  3. Go Spartans!
    I wanted to get the recipe for the banana chocolate chip muffins. I loved them and would love to make them. Is there any way you could send me the recipe? Thanks.
