
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fabulous Fall Weather!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

After over 2 weeks of miserable rain, rain, and more rain, over the weekend the sun reappeared! Yesterday morning we awakened to cool fall temperatures and low humidity! It was a glorious fall day! This morning is even cooler! This kind of weather makes you want to be outside all day. Leah started a Nature Journal yesterday for us to take turns making pages in. I think this afternoon we will need to make a walk through our woods for inspiration.

I opened our kitchen door yesterday morning to let in some cool, fresh air. When Sam came in the kitchen he ran outside.....and then ran right back in saying he was cold! He promptly got a blanket and went back out on the porch.

enjoying the beautiful morning

Olivia is learning HTML/XTML coding as part of her Computer Literacy course this year. She is building a website, and for the past several days she has been creating graphics. When I was browsing to select the above picture for my blog today, I found this cute coffee graphic she had made. When I chose it however, and resaved it as a JPEG, I found the name Julie on it. I guess Olivia is sharing her knowledge with her sister! Since they are both still asleep, I am not sure who made this graphic, but it sure is cute! I wonder if they made it for me!

Have a fabulous fall day!


  1. This is my very favorite time of the year! Now I just can't wait for a fire in the fireplace!

  2. I love this weather also!

    I have a couple of questions for you...
    1)I noticed you have a pool...we do too. How do you make sure that Sam doesn't get into the pool when he shouldn't? We have a safetly turtle alarm, but I'm always wondering if there is something better out there. I'm always nervous about Carson getting to the pool when we aren't with him.
    2) What computer literacy program are you using? I have looked at, but have nt taken he plunge into anything yet.


  3. Roan, I'm also curious what computer literacy Olivia is working through? MelRae

  4. Adorable picture! Cannot believe your daughter is learning that computer coding! Very good for her! Great graphic!

  5. I'm thinking you have your own custom blog designer on your hands! Woo hoo!
