
Friday, July 24, 2009

A Visit With My Family

Last weekend the children and I drove over 300 miles in one day! First we attended my daddy's Family Reunion, and then we traveled to my parents' house to visit for a few days. At the reunion, I saw cousins and other relatives that I have not seen in many, many years. Some of the people had not seen me since I was a little girl, and they all thought that looking at Leah was like looking at me all those years ago!
Leah and Pops (my daddy)

Sam and Clay playing at the reunion

Karen, Ray, and me. These are my only first cousins on my daddy's side of the family. I had not seen them in over 13 years!

My parents are on either side of Olivia, and that's my Momo (my daddy's mother) in the front center.

Momo and Pops

During the visit to my parents' house, the children enjoyed another mini vacation. They had no chores, and they crocheted, watched TV, and generally did nothing but play for 3 days. I took this opportunity to work on my school preparations. I took my paper cutter, laminator and 2 crates of school supplies! Happily, I accomplished a lot! We ran each night at the local track, and one morning my mother kept all of the children while I did a 10 mile run. It was nice not to have to run 10 miles on the treadmill or on a 1/2 mile track.

Leah, Clay, and Sam enjoying a bednight (bedtime---one of my children started calling it a "bednight" snack a while back!) snack of ice cream


  1. Your Momo looks amazing! I couldn't help but think, "That's your GRANDmother?!" Glad you made it home safely!
