
Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day

I woke up this morning to a delicious breakfast lovingly prepared by my children. They had the table all set, and they had even completely cleaned up the kitchen! Wow! They gave me beautiful hand made cards that were so sweet. After breakfast they presented me with two really pretty planters and a bag of potting soil! I am going to put them in our backyard.

After church, the family treated me to lunch at my favorite Mexican restuarant.

I have spent the rest of the day simply resting, reading, and blogging. It has been a really nice day.

I absolutely love being a mother! I am so grateful that God has blessed me with five precious children. I cannot imagine anything else I would rather be doing than taking care of my wonderful family!


  1. I know where you can get some great plants for those planters!

    Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

  2. The planters look so pretty! I'm sure they going to be even prettier when you get your flowers in them! What a great day you had! Glad you were able to rest!

  3. Hey Gal,
    You are just so cute!! And I love those planters!! Just beautiful!!

    I had a great day, too! Hubby had our older children over, made me breakfast, and I got a gift card which I promptly went out to spend for my birthday away with hubby this weekend. YAY!! Can't wait!
    We're going island hopping for a few days in north Florida and southern Georgia!! We love it up there!!

    Hope you have a joyful week, Roan,
