
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Running and Playing

Today's weather forecast predicted rain and stormy weather beginning around 11:00 a.m. Therefore we made some changes in our daily schedule so that we could run outside. After our read aloud time, chores, breakfast, and Bible study we went to our local walking track to run. Then we did school after lunch during the time that we normally clean house, and we cleaned house during our normal running time. Anyway, I finally remembered to take a picture of the children playing on the new playground equipment at the track. At the bottom of the picture you can see the track. The track connects with the playground area! How convenient for me!

As it turned out, we had a short storm around 2:00, and then the sun actually came out for a little while. Now it is rainy again.
You never know with the weather!


  1. Fun! The weather has been "supposed to be" terrible all week. I've been running in between rain showers! :) Still too scared to run on a treadmill! Ha!

  2. When I read your earlier post about the completed park in Saltillo, I meant to ask where it is. It looks so nice!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to say hi!!

    I'm very curious: do all of your children run at the track? I take my children to the track once each week. My oldest daughter ((11)) is working hard to run a half mile without stopping, but my eldest son's been running since he could walk; always running ahead of the stroller, jogging the entire way on our walks outdoors together. Now at nearly nine, he can outrun me by far, although I hope to change this as I get reconditioned ((but then he'll just get older and stronger, too, won't he?!). Last week he ran a half mile without even breaking a sweat and immediately jumped the fence and onto his scooter.

    I have ideas...but would love some more.
