
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures

Yes, the Easter Bunny visits the Johnson home! As each child woke up Jimmy took pictures of them checking out the contents of their baskets. By the time Olivia woke up, we were already getting ready for there are no pictures of Olivia discovering her candy!

Sam with his bubble gum egg-laying chicken.
Sam showing some of his candy.....he ate probably half of his candy before breakfast. Wait! I am not sure he even ATE breakfast! I guess candy WAS his breakfast!

Leah and Sam

Clay with a "non-candy" gift....moon sand

Leah and Julie

All dressed and ready for our church service. Leah is wearing a dress that my mother made for Olivia to wear as a flower girl in Jimmy's cousin's wedding when she was 4.

Happy Children!


  1. Everyone looks so nice and happy! Olivia reminds me of how I was at her age through high school. Didn't wake up early enough for all the initial pictures! Ha@

  2. Very sweet, Roan!! So glad you all had a joyful Easter!!

    May you have a wonderful, blessed week as well!!

    Blessings and joy,

  3. You're kids are so beautiful. Let me know if you like the moon sand. I've been considering getting some for the little children to play with during school. I'm not sure if it would be too messy.

