
Monday, April 6, 2009

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Saturday, in the midst of many other activities, we finally dyed Easter eggs. Every night at bedtime for the past week or so Leah has asked me if tomorrow can we dye eggs? So Saturday, we did! Actually Olivia set up all of the dye and also supervised the activity. Leah and Sam had a lot of fun! I was busy cooking and cleaning the kitchen, but I did manage to snap a couple of pictures.


  1. Love the pictures of the kids dying their Easter eggs! How sweet! Enjoy your week!

  2. I didn't know you've heard of Steven Curtis Chapman. I love that song, "One Heart Beat At A Time". Have you heard the one "Cinderella"? That's one of my favorites. Love the pictures! Leah and Sam are adorable!

    (From cross country)

  3. I used to LOVE dyeing Easter eggs!
