
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Blog Book

As I have mentioned before, my sister in law, Megan, surprised me with the neatest gift about a month 2008 blog published in a book! I love this book so much, that I plan on publishing my blog at the end of each year. In order to prevent this from being an overwhelming task in the already busy month of December, I am already preparing. Each time I post on my blog, I copy and paste the post into a word document. When I am ready for publishing, all I will have to do is upload the word document to the publishing site. The site Megan used is

Here is the front of the Blog Book

This is what it looks like on the inside.

For more Works For Me Wednesday Tips, visit We Are That Family.


  1. It looks great! Last year, I had Dec. 2006 (when I started my blog) through Dec. 2007 printed in a book from I seriously need to do my 2008 book! Like you, now that I had a blog book published, I knew I had to keep doing it.

    I should look into Lulu as well.

  2. Neat idea! I heard of the Blurb site also but haven't tried it. I may take a look at it.

  3. VERY cool idea....I am def. bookmarking that site. Thanks so much.....what a wonderful idea. :)

  4. Love this idea, too. Thanks!

  5. wow that is awesome!

    I love it.

  6. I have been wanting to do something like this, but didn't even know it existed!!! Thank you so much for posting...I'm going to look into it right now!!!

  7. Waaayyyyy tooooo cool!! I had no idea you could do such a thing!!!
    I will definitely have to keep this in mind!

  8. Great idea! I want to do this with my blog but have not done it yet. Your idea is a good way to keep it from getting overwhelming.

  9. I see your name all the time on my frog blog thingy. I dont'know why you don't see it.

  10. Hi Roan! I came over to visit from Life by George. What an awesome idea!! Thanks for sharing this. I'll be doing this and I am going to pass it on!!

    It's nice to meet you!! Love the name of your blog, too! I talk about JOY a lot on my blog! :o)

    Have a great day!!
    Joyful blessings,

  11. Me again!! I just peeked around a bit and saw that you have a Keepers and Contenders club, too!! I began a Keepers At Home club last year, and we meet every Thursday here at my home!! We are having a blast!! Today we will start etiquette, and say goodbye to one of our girls whose family will be heading out to the mission field...possibly Africa.

    We have all girls, so the Contenders is up to someone else ;o)

    We seem to have a lot in common!!

  12. That is awesome! What a wonderful and thoughtful gift! Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a fabulous, terrific, wonderful idea!


