
Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Simmons Family Christmas

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with my parents, my two grandmothers, and my two brothers and their families--Rhett and Amanda, Wesley (2) and Davis (2.5 months); Ryan (who was on call and could not attend) and Mary Margaret, Causey (5) and Bounds (2).
The celebration was at Southaven at Rhett and Amanda's house. It was beautifully decorated, and we enjoyed a delicious meal. After lunch we exchanged gifts. The children all enjoyed playing with their cousins and holding baby Davis. I got to hold the baby for a little while too!
Julie and my Daddy

My Mama and Rhett

Clay and Davis

Amanda and Davis

Meme and Julie

Olivia and Jimmy

Wesley and Causey wrestling! I could not get a picture of Wesley while he was sitting still!

Mama, Momo, and Mary Margaret

Sweet Brothers!

Leah--posing in front of the Christmas tree

Sam, eyeing all of his presents!

Causey and Bounds

Sam---still waiting to open those presents!
A big thank you to Rhett and Amanda for having all of us in your home. We had a fabulous time!


  1. Glad ya'll had fun! The children are precious. We loved your card!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh Roan, it was so good to see the pics of your mom and dad! I haven't seen them in ages. Tell them I said Hello.
