
Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Typical School Day

I have really increased Clay's workload this school year, and he has risen to the challenge. Yesterday he did two day's worth of school so he could be "off" today. We spent most of the day in town getting haircuts for him, Sam, Olivia, and Julie (at two different places) and then to New Albany for the Spartans (homeschool cross country) practice. He still enjoyed his morning at home just playing, and he was glad that he didn't have to do any school in the car or at the beauty or barber shop!

Here is Sam playing with a fun activity on the schoolroom floor. For the first hour of our school time, Sam plays upstairs with different siblings. Then I let him come to the schoolroom either to sit in my lap or play with the activities of the day. This day he was playing with plastic buttons.

Olivia does all of her schoolwork independently. She is doing quite well in 8th grade Apologia Physical Science. This is her first year to use a textbook for science (or any subject), and I am so pleased with how she has adapted.
Julie does all of her schoolwork independently too. She has a different science curriculum than Olivia, but she is doing it all alone too. She is also using Teaching Textbooks Math for the first time, and she seems to enjoy it more than the Horizons we used in the past. I still plan to use Horizons math through the 5th grade for the younger children.
Here is Leah playing with the "arranging the flowers" activity. I rotate about 50 activities for Leah and Sam to do each day. I usually put out 3-4 different activities each day. Leah is loving preschool! We are counting the school days to 100. Every day she asks if it is the 100th day. I told her we would have a big celebration on the 100th day, and she is really looking forward to it.


  1. Way to go Clay! He really needs to sit down and give Parker and Carson a talking to!
    We missed you tonight!

  2. Hey Roan!
    Again, thanks for the ideas...I have been contemplating ordering Preschool Activities in a Bag (the book) so I could make up some things for Rachel to do during school. I would love to see a list of your activities!

  3. Thanks for your menus, and I would love to see your activity list as well. One of the most difficult things about younger children is containing the aftermath if they are not contained/occupied constructively!
