
Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Two mothers at cross country practice today asked me to post my 2 week menu. I will subsitute crock pot soups and stews for some of the meals when the weather gets cold.

Week 1
sausage muffins
egg sandwiches
frozen waffles
cinnamon rolls
ham and cheese eggs, toast
Week 2
eggs, bacon, biscuits
pig in the blankets
oatmeal, cereal
toast—PB, cinnamon, cheese
repeat above menu

Week 1
chicken strips, mac and cheese
sandwiches, chips
frozen pizza
baked potatoes
chicken quesadillas
frozen raviolies with spaghetti sauce
leftovers, PBJ
Week 2
repeat week 1

Week 1
poppy seed chicken, brown rice, peas
homemade pizza
pork roast, baked beans, slaw, potato salad or stuffed eggs
chicken and dumplings, butterbeans
baked fish, steamed broccoli, baked sweet potatoes
spaghetti, salad
pasta salad, fruit salad
Week 2
chicken tetrazinni, green beans
roast, carrots, potatoes, peas
BBQ chicken salad
chicken tacos and nachos
shrimp scampi, salad
crescent roll chicken, green beans
grilled chicken, ranch potatoes, green peas

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roan! Thanks so much for posting your menus! I LOVE to see what other moms are cooking for their families!

    I would love to see your Poppy Seed Chicken recipe!

