Monday night was the annual Keepers of the Faith Awards Banquet. Olivia and Julie are in Keepers at Home, and Clay is in Contenders for the Faith. Both organizations involve monthly meetings (Mamas attend with daughters and Daddies with sons) and an opportunity to earn a variety of badges by completing a list of requirements. There are over 200 badges to earn including such things as Bible reading, Bible memory, character traits, homemaking skills, home care skills, academics, outdoors, athletics, arts, crafts, service projects and many others. My children love Keepers and Contenders! Each meeting is a great night of fellowship and fun, plus they learn something too.
Here are the badges the children earned this year.
Bible reading (entire New Testament), Bible memory (1 Cor. 13), Bible memory (The Beatitudes), Bible memory (The Lord's Prayer), gratefulness, drawing, ironing, latch hooking, tea party, piano, and athletics (for running).
Bible reading (entire New Testament), Bible memory (1 Cor. 13), Bible memory (The Beatitudes), Bible memory (The Lord's Prayer), compassion, cooking, ironing, tea party, typing, trees, personal journal, piano, and athletics (running)
Bible memory (Psalm 23), compassion, watercolors, and athletics (running)
They pin the badges on banners which hang in their rooms.