
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Amanda Price 5K/10K/Fun Run

Last Saturday, for the first time in a long time, our entire family (all seven us, including Olivia) participated in a local race.  The Amanda Price event had a 5K, a 10K, and a 1/2 Mile Fun Run.  I ran the 10K, Jimmy, Olivia, Julie, and Clay ran the 5K, and Leah and Sam ran the 1/2 Mile Fun Run.

It was a beautiful day for a race.  It was nice and sunny, and the temperature was pleasantly cool.
Here are some photo highlights of the fun morning.

 Sam, Me, and Leah

 Sam, Jimmy, and Leah

 Leah and Sam running the Fun Run

 Sam and Leah after their run

 Rod, from Rod's Racers.
Rod took over 300 pictures of this event.  He has a website and a Facebook page that promotes running throughout the state of Mississippi. 

 Clay and I are enjoying a snack after the race.

 It was good to visit with Esther and her girls.

 Olivia and Jimmy
It was GREAT having Olivia with us!

Julie, receiving her award.

We visited the new Trails and Treads store in New Albany after the race.  The rest of our busy day included taking Sam to a birthday party and then attending our family Bible study at the Johnsey's house that night.

It was a wonderful day with our complete family.

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