
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Moms' Night Out Ideas

I have been asked to speak at our homeschool organization's Moms' Night Out in April about planning and organizing.  I must admit that I am nervous about this.  While I can talk non-stop with a friend while running or just visiting in our homes or somewhere else, I actually have very little experience in speaking in front of a group.  Especially a group of fellow homeschooling mothers who expect to learn something from me!  Help!

Can you help me?  I am beginning to work on my presentation, and I need some input.  If you were coming to this meeting or a similar meeting, what topics would you like addressed?  Would you like handouts?  Should I focus on planning and organization only as it relates to homeschooling, or should I include homemaking tips as well?  Since my time is limited, what would be the three or four things you would definitely want addressed?

Thank you for your ideas!


  1. 1- When planning the day, do you have your children complete a lesson or do you set a time limit. If you set a time and they don't finish, what do you do?
    2- how do you handle interruptions from the other children when you are working with another child?
    3)how do you choose your HS material each year? Do you plan out the whole year, weekly, daily, monthly.
    4-How do you keep your house clean and homeschool with young children who are not as helpful.

  2. I would definitely bring handouts. For the crazy note takers, like me. :)

    If their are homeschooling moms that are just starting, maybe include what a normal day of homeschooling looks like. As, a mom of preschoolers it is an interesting topic to me.

    I really enjoy reading your blog whenever I can catch a few minutes to myself. :)

  3. I agree with the other two who already commented. Handouts are SO great! Also, do you have any organizing apps, sites, or books you like? How do you get it all done: meal planning, cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, spending time with each child and your hubby? Detailed schedules vs. routines? What to do with littles? Do you plan year-round school with time off for holidays? Do you stick with the public-school schedule? How do you fit in field trips, co-ops, doctor appointments, etc? Do you plan a whole year in advance, or six weeks at a time, or what? Do you set goals for each child, for the school year, for curriculum? How do you decide what curriculum to use and how do you schedule it over the year? What do you do if you don't finish a curriculum on time? etc :)

  4. Will this be recorded? I would love to listen to it!

  5. Thank you for your ideas. I am making a list of all of your suggestions!

    Emily, I am pretty sure this will not be recorded. :)

    I plan to share my outline on this blog. I may even write a few posts about some of the points I make. We will see! :)
